Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who'd live in a house like this?

 Regular readers will remember the post I did on closets, the dream walk in wardrobe that we all aspire a way, this is an extension from that. I must apologise for my lax posting of late, there are several reasons largely work being hectic and possibly the bigger stress..finding a house/ flat. The Boy and I thought we had found our dream one, only to get gazumped at the last minute. I'm not quite over it yet but the quest must go just takes up SO much time! It also got me thinking about some of the most stylish houses around. I love feeding my nosiness by checking out great interior design blogs like The Coveted, Into The Gloss, The Selby & Closet Visit which all offer a behind-the-scenes insight into the lives of the fashion crowd, whether the focus be on the inner workings of their wardrobes, make-up bags or apartments or simply what inspires them in day to day life. 

I suppose in a way, it is dressing up voyeurism, but this is so intrinsic to the concept of blogging that it's nothing we fashion followers haven't seen before. Indeed, in the days long before blogs existed, I always found myself drawn to features such as the Closet Confidential in Elle UK and settling down to enjoy MTV Cribs...a show I still love! Also the 'What's in your bag' feature that used to be in Harpers Bazaar and a similar feature that they used to have in Tatler which was a double page spread and collage of a celebrity/ model/ socialite's favourite things. I loved seeing what my style icons (ok..not much on MTV cribs..) wore and were inspired by. Although I'm sure these features are artificially constructed, I still can't get over the thrill, or intimacy if you will, of going behind the person to see what makes them tick.  Few things can reveal this as much as looking round a person's house or wardrobe.

For me, despite the blog’s ability to provide instant gratification, it will never come close to the pleasure of pouring over an interior design book, handing over my last fiver to check out the feature on Sofia Coppola's flat in Vogue or even pottering round a friend's house that I haven't visited I just need a place of my own...
Edit: All pictures courtesy of The Selby, maybe he'll come round when I've found the dream flat.

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