Tuesday, May 31, 2011

flappers in 1920

flappers in 1920. You can create your own 1920#39;s
  • You can create your own 1920#39;s

  • spicyapple
    Oct 10, 04:29 PM
    Please Apple, re-orientate the screen so it's portrait, add extra resolution, add icon browsing and surely you'll have a winner. I don't really want a real video iPod, nor with wireless. (unless it's Bluetooth for wireless headphones!) :)

    flappers in 1920. Flapper girl, 1910s
  • Flapper girl, 1910s

  • aaronazevedo
    Apr 15, 11:52 PM
    Real what? Real fakes? Yes they are real fakes.

    Real photos of real items, sitting on real tables in China. For real.

    If the unit is aluminum, and if it passes testing who knows. I'm someone has made a bogus prototype to stir up this discussion, who knows.

    I'm just commenting on the real vs. rendering. I voted real.

    flappers in 1920. Flappers from the 1920s
  • Flappers from the 1920s

  • TimUSCA
    Apr 25, 12:08 PM
    Looks legit to me other than that last one... which looks 110% fake.

    flappers in 1920. Bouquets from the 1920s
  • Bouquets from the 1920s

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 09:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Fair enough. Most people on here refuse to think that anyone other than Apple can make a good phone.

    Just curious now- what HTC phone was your friend using to play angry birds @2fps? I had no idea that HTC made a worse android phone (compared to the original G1).

    It was a HTC wildfire, a google search brings up some results regarding it.

    flappers in 1920. flappers in 1920.
  • flappers in 1920.

  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 10:58 AM
    Tablets don't even redefine computing at all anyway. It's all the same it's always been. A device that takes input, processes it according to a set of instructions, and outputs a result or provides storage.

    That's the basic definition of a computer. iPad, iPhone, Macbook, Xserve, Mac Pro, they are all computers. You use them to input data, process it, store it or output it to an output device (printer, screen).

    To think there's some kind of paradigm-shift going is simply having your head in the clouds.

    For programmers, nothing has changed, we're doing the same thing with the devices people in the 1970s were doing, albeit, with more refined output capabilities and different input devices.

    For server admins nothing has changed. These thin/fat clients are still needing server architectures to drive them and still use the very core Client/Server model for most of their servers. Heck, moving things "into the cloud", just means more power on the server backend and less in the client. That means more infrastructure to manage for us server guys. :D "Cloud computer" is just another way of saying "Client/Server" model and the 60s called about that, they want us to quit renaming their concept.

    For "desktop support" people, nothing has changed. Devices have to be imaged with the software the customer needs, it needs to be configured and that configuration needs to be managed. It needs to get hardware service when broken. It needs software support for when things don't really work right or for when the user needs a live person "manual" to reference.

    Heck, I'd go so far as to argue even for users, what really changed ? iPad is a big e-mail, web, facebook, gaming device. PCs/Laptops have been this for these people for the last 10 or 15 years. They are doing the same thing on tablets that they were on laptops. There's no paradigm shift at all, just a different format. It would be like calling laptops a paradigm shift when they came out.

    I think there will be a change in computing, and tablets are the future of it. I do think servers/ power machines will remain, but I can see them becoming specialised (such as in power stations etc). I can see Linux filling that whole perfectly. I do feel that tablets/ touch based computers are the future, but I think they need voice recognition software to truly come into play for text input. If the iPad had a killer voice recognition software, then MS Word for iPad might truly become a game changer. As good as any touchscreen is, typing 2,000 words on a touchscreen would be a bit of a push.

    flappers in 1920. The 1920′s
  • The 1920′s

  • DetroitDrillSGT
    Mar 17, 08:53 AM

    flappers in 1920. 1920s Flappers
  • 1920s Flappers

  • tim916
    Sep 28, 07:40 PM
    Oh i'm sure there will be LOTS of technology in the house.

    I bet he'll be able to control everything via an app on his iPhone.

    The house itself doesn't need to be HUGE. He can still apply a lot of technology into the house making it worth millions!

    I'd wager that Jobs will avoid putting superfluous technology into the house. We know he loves simple and existing home control systems are usually anything but.

    Filling a home wilth complex technology can actually have a negative effect on a home's value because it requires expensive servicing and, of course, becomes obsolete very quickly.

    flappers in 1920. flapper hair. 1920#39;s bobbed
  • flapper hair. 1920#39;s bobbed

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 9, 12:53 PM
    The next alternative to Best Buy to come along and offer better customer service will be the end of Best Buy.

    flappers in 1920. flappers in 1920. flapper
  • flappers in 1920. flapper

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 29, 07:36 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=283487&stc=1&d=1304105242)

    You mean to the right of the search field, and when Lion is released w/o dbg libs running the Ram requirements and performance will improve smoothly for the Airs to run just fine.

    flappers in 1920. Purple Fabulous Flapper
  • Purple Fabulous Flapper

  • Teddy's
    Oct 2, 03:18 PM
    Since when is Apple not a litigious company?
    That's right!
    When? Since they decided anybody can use the term POD to virtually anything!!!
    Podcasts for all!!! horay!!! :rolleyes:

    flappers in 1920. The Flappers of the 1920#39;s:
  • The Flappers of the 1920#39;s:

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:30 AM
    come on guys.. stop crashing the iTunes Store :)

    flappers in 1920. 1920#39;s Flappers challenging
  • 1920#39;s Flappers challenging

  • D*I*S_Frontman
    Jan 12, 06:28 PM
    Look, people--

    There is nothing amazingly new or innovative technology-wise in the iPhone. Everything in it has been done before, and it does not even employ some of the latest (3G) features that its competition does.

    Niether did the original iPod. Grasshopper, go and learn from Thread #500. People thought that product was "crippled" by high price and no new technology ("An overpriced HDD-based mp3 player with a B&W LCD display? Who cares?").

    I predict that Apple will have 20% of the entire cell phone market and 50+% of the high-end communication device within three years of its June release. That will mean 150-200 million units.

    In the intervening six months before formal release, or shortly thereafter, some of the smaller issues will be attended to (like the ability to at least open and review MS files, sync'ing issues, interfacing w/iTunes Store, what have you). The rest won't matter.

    Apple does not sell products, people. They sell personal productivity, great user experiences, wow and chic. This phone phone meets all of those criteria. For consumer devices like these, a streamlined and intuitive user experience is like money in the bank. The only thing innovative about the iPod is the stupid click-wheel, and yet 75% of the ENTIRE aac/mp3 player market is controlled by ONE COMPANY. The one with the click-wheel.

    So it is with this product. If the final build quality of the unit proves durable, reliable, and cosmetically superior, and the unit functions as billed, it will not only make a huge forray into that giant market, but essentially create a new one.

    Right now, the "smartphone" is really a piece of business equipment. Apple just invented the quintessential "consumer" version of the same product. It doesn't matter that it is expensive or lacks some high-end features. If is actually works as effortlessly and seamlessly as billed, it will become another cultural icon. Apple marketing will see to it that everyone on the planet is aware of how "cool" this device is.

    I'm glad to be on record here. I hope that when this thread is reviewed three years from now, everyone is talking about the foolish naysayers of Thread #3245138 (or whatever this one is).

    flappers in 1920. 1920s flapper girls wearing
  • 1920s flapper girls wearing

  • -y0-
    Apr 12, 01:32 PM
    Pretty sturdy.

    flappers in 1920. 1920′s Dress – Flapper Fancy
  • 1920′s Dress – Flapper Fancy

  • fsck-y dingo
    Nov 8, 02:26 PM
    I'm worried about getting banned for getting it (a few hours) early.

    No need to worry. If you have a retail copy of the game you can play before the official release date without any issues.

    Just out of curiosity, where did the games that have already been delivered come from? I ordered through Amazon with the delivery date shipping option so I won't have mine until tomorrow. If there's a place that tends to ship early I may use them next time.

    flappers in 1920. Plus Size Gatsby Flapper
  • Plus Size Gatsby Flapper

  • PsykX
    Apr 5, 11:08 PM
    Thank God. What a pathetic app...
    You really don�t get the point of a showcase, do you?

    flappers in 1920. the 1920#39;s - the #39;Flapper#39;
  • the 1920#39;s - the #39;Flapper#39;

  • ArizonaKid
    Sep 9, 03:57 AM
    I watched that NBC benefit last week where Kanye made his bush comments. afterwards on the local news they had a reporter at a call center nearby that was one of several taking the calls from that. they talked briefly about Kanye's comments and said that people did actually call back after his comments saying they wanted to cancel their donation because of what he said.

    I thought his comments were inappropriate for the fund raising forum he was participating in, but I was much more surprised & saddened that people actually called back and said they didn't want to donate to those in need becasue of what some musician said about the president...

    So someone says something they really dislike, and they then decide to try and punish refugees from America? Stupid People. Who needs people like that, their check would probably bounce after they pay their trailer lot rent.

    flappers in 1920. 9753, FANCY
  • 9753, FANCY

  • jdiddy
    Sep 12, 01:51 AM
    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

    Lol good catch. I'm kind of excited about tommorow its making it hard to sleep argg.

    flappers in 1920. 1920s Flapper Costume
  • 1920s Flapper Costume

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 17, 04:36 PM
    Few bucks!!! The cheapest HD-DVD player the Toshiba HD-A1 is now under $400. I have seen the XA1 for under $600 now. The cheapest BD player is $999 and don't even bring up the PS3!! People are not going in droves to buy a PS3 just to play their BD-ROM media. Also, it will not even be available for a while.

    PS3 = November 24. But if you're not already on a waiting list (and near the front) don't count on getting yours before Christmas.

    The only difference between the Toshiba A1 and XA1 is that the XA1 has a different front bezel and a serial control interface. There is no difference in audio, video or other capabilities. Don't buy the XA1 unless you're using an AMX, Crestron, Zantec or similar control system that uses a serial control.

    That being said, I saw the RCA version of the A1 at my Local Sam's Club last week for $329.99.

    OTOH, when considering the next generation HD-DVD players and announced prices in comparison with BluRay and the curious fact that all HD-DVD features thus far average $8 more from most retailers vs. Blu-Ray, the cost of the two formats is identical to a consumer who picks up a library of about 40 or more films. At current pricing, buying a $1K BluRay player and 100 movies (oh, wait there aren't 100 movies yet), would be cheaper than a $400 HD-DVD player and 100 movies (also not that many yet). So it's too early to tell what's going to happen....

    IMO, I wouldn't buy the Samsung BP1000 player anyway. It's a complete turd and there's a lot more wrong with it than the image softening effect going on in the scaler. IMO, I doubt any firmware update is going to fix this player and Samsung is going to try and patch it as best as they can and move on as quietly as possible.

    Also the PS3 will be to BluRay what the PS2 was to DVD... It will just be a capable player and nothing more. You won't get the advanced audio capabilities of the BDP-S1 player or the same color depth and image processing hardware. The PS3 uses a software-based player, which does leave some room for future upgrades though. While I have not seen a PS3 in action, I've been two several Sony demonstrations of the BDP-S1 and several of their reps have said that the PS3 will be a second-rate player and primarily a game system.. Well, duh.

    Not that it really matters... Current estimages from IGN and others put PS3 pre-order numbers at a staggering 14 million (world-wide). I think that's a gross over-estimate given the PS3's intro price. But even if it's half of that, that pretty much ensures instant BluRay success overnight. Toshiba has yet to ship 200,000 HD-DVD units.

    And no I don't think the format "war" will end anytime soon... I just don't see either format losing enough ground to actually be pulled from the market.

    flappers in 1920. S amp; H - Twin Flapper Dolls,
  • S amp; H - Twin Flapper Dolls,

  • err404
    May 2, 09:47 AM
    I kinda liked the fact i could look at where I've been with my phone.
    Sorta. Since the db wasn't meant to track you, it was not very good for this task. Any tracking info had to be inferred from the cell location data.
    This would be like trying to use the Google Maps caching in Android for location tracking.

    Apr 19, 01:54 PM
    It's their job, we just have to deal with it. A few months back, a TSA agent groped my junk. I joked with him, "Linger any longer and you'll have to buy me dinner.";) He didn't even crack a smile.

    Probably the 5th time he heard that crack that shift. :)

    I wonder what comment would actually get them to crack a smile. Sort of like baiting the Guards at Buckingham Palace to crack a smile.

    Nov 23, 11:56 PM
    Apple Canada online store is down for updates now...

    edit: Scott beat me to it.

    May 5, 09:27 PM
    Dude. I haven't once suggested banning guns.

    These days I'd be satisfied with a hint of awareness.

    I was under the impression you had. Here you gave me that impression:

    It's impossible to enforce a gun ban when all you have to do is drive to the next town to buy them.

    If we were to implement restrictions it would have to be nation-wide, or else it would be too easily thwarted.

    Fair enough. It took your statement as referring to bans.

    Frankly awareness, or more specifically education, is the only solution. Gun owners need more education, particularly those who arm themselves for home defense or concealed carry. If citizens are expected to demonstrate proficiency in driving a car before being allowed on the road - and further proficiency for special kinds of driving (such as racing licenses, commercial licenses, limousine drivers, police driving training etc etc), then gun owners should get considerably more training in self-defense with firearms. Most hunters agree that mandatory hunter-safety classes are a good idea. If that is the case, self-defense training is even more necessary.

    Furthermore, the public at large needs to be more educated about laws, regulations and firearms themselves. Fear of firearms can be healthy. Willfull ignorance towards them, not so much.

    Exactly. I have never understood why my more liberal friends want to ban anything. Education is the key to solving the vast majority of our problems, not ignorance or fear. I grew up around guns all my life and had fun with them. I also loved archery.

    After starting to play hockey and having skydived for three years, the one thing I've finally learned that is the most helpful thing in life is this- do things that scare you. Learn about them. You'll be better off, and you'll grow immensely as a person. Those things will also bring incredible people into your life.

    Go to a firing range and learn about guns, citizenzen- even if it scares and repulses you. Trust me, you'll be all the better for it, and you might learn something about yourself you never knew was there. After all, knowledge is power.

    Oct 2, 04:17 PM
    As usual, any hack that will come out will probably be hard to use, and <1% of the general computer-using population will ever use it. I don't see this as a big threat, really...

    This isn't a consumer-end hack, it is a retailer-end re-implementation of Fairplay (presumably clean room) for interoperability purposes (legal in Europe, I don't know about the USoA since the DMCA etc).

    If it works, Joe Public will see more online services selling iPod (and iTV) compatible media. They'll also see more players and software capable of playing Fairplay protected content.

    I'm sure the real purpose is to encourage Apple to license Fairplay to other companies and thus open up the platform. It remains to be seen whether this would be beneficial to Apple, on the one hand their popular on-line store could sell to the other few percent of players on the market, but other stores can compete for Apple's customers, and it might cloudify the neat iPod,iTunes,iTMS integration.

    Oct 6, 07:49 PM
    Good !
    I'm getting sick and tired of AT&T's decline in coverage and spotty coverage. When I had my RAZR phone, I used to have great coverage everywhere on AT&T, but over the past year AT&T's coverage and quality of coverage has declined BIG TIME. I'm sick and tired of it! I hope Verizon launches a HUGE campaign showing all the spots on the map where AT&T has lousy coverage and it motivates AT&T to get off their laurels and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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