Friday, October 26, 2007


I hear from a very reliable source (Jared Craft) the new Katsuya in Hollywood was the hot spot Friday. I can recall him dropping quite a few names like Sobriety activist Lindsey Lohan, Ryan Seacrest, Brett Botlhouse and crew. I of course was not there. So the hot spot it was not! I’ll tell you where the hot spot was. The Hot spot on Friday was in Newport. That’s right it was the 3 hour cruise tour I went on, that took more like 5 hours and the toilets flooded about 2 hours into it. I went to see Katy P perform. The cruise started at 7 pm Katy wasn’t scheduled to be on till 11:10 so what were we to do but drink and drink we did which led to placing Katy Perry your so gay stickers on every ones back..Now that’s hot! . EP drops November 20th Biatches!

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